In this guide we’ll cover the three different ways you can use to enter your product items in growyze, plus how to filter and export CSV files of items.
1. Add new product items
From the left-hand menu choose ‘Products” and ‘Items’.
Within the Items section you can add new products via three different methods:

a. Add items manually
Select ‘Add item’ from the dropdown and ‘Create new’. This allows you to add items manually and enter the details of an item one-by-one. To create the item, add all of the item details including:
- Item name
- Barcode (you can either scan this using your camera or enter this manually)
- Supplier
- SKU or product code information (usually found via your supplier invoice)
- Category (for example ‘Beverages - wine’)
- Size of item (unit, measure etc.)
- Multiple (this is if you order many items as part of a package - for example there are six bottles per package that arrives)
- Product description
- Notes

Once you are happy all of the item fields have been added correctly you can select ‘Add’.
When a new product has been added you can search for this using the product search bar, and then edit the details or delete the product easily.

b. Scan items
This option allows you to scan an item using its barcode. This is usually easiest to do from your smartphone.
Select ‘Products’ and ‘Items’ from the menu bar. Then select the green icon from the top right-hand corner to open your options and select ‘Scan to add’.

This will open the camera and allow you to scan the barcode.
Scan the barcode of your item as shown here:

This will create a new entry including the product name and the barcode number.
Top tip: This item is found when the name and barcode number automatically appears once scanned. This is because growyze already has a database of thousands of popular beverage items. If growyze is unable to find the product within the database you can learn how to add a product item that isn’t in the database here.

As well as the name and barcode you can then amend or add further details such as the cost price, POS ID and minimum stock quantities.

Once you are happy with the details select ‘Add’ to create your new product.
c. Add items by bulk upload
To add items by bulk upload you will need to do an upload for each supplier you order items from. To do this for your first supplier, from the left-hand menu choose ‘Products” and ‘Items’.
Choose ‘Add item’ from the right-hand side and choose the ‘Bulk import’ option.

In this screen you can see an example of the file.

Click on the hyperlink ‘view example’ which will open as an Excel spreadsheet. There is the option to use this as a template and add your information into this, as it already has the correct growyze headings listed.

For your upload to work correctly you must include Item name at minimum. However, we strongly recommend also adding:
- Barcode
- Unit type (bottle, keg etc.)
- Size
- Measure (ml, g, oz etc.)
- Cost price
There are then other fields which you have the option of adding including pack size, quantity in stock, product description, product category and so on. You can view all of these fields in the ‘Information’ tab of the example sheet available.
Once you have created your file with all of the product items in, choose ‘Select File’ and upload the correct file.
Next, you can choose the correct supplier for those items:

All of the list will now be imported under the correct supplier details. Lastly, you will need to ensure the right headers are assigned to the columns from your sheet.

You can do this by selecting the dropdown above each column and choosing the correct field to match the examples given (for example the first column above would be ‘Item name’).
Once you are happy with your headers you can select ‘Import Products’.
You can then repeat the bulk upload option for each supplier you order items from.
2. Filter items
Once you have added product items you can also filter the list. To do this, click ‘Filters’.
Here you can see the option to filter items by supplier by choosing a supplier from the dropdown list:

This will provide a filtered view of all of the items from one supplier.
By clicking ‘Filters’ and ‘All Products’ you can also choose to filter by category of item, for example ‘Hot drinks’ or ‘Spirits’.

3. Download a list of product items
If you wish you can download a list of product items. Click the download button on the top right-hand side and you can export the list of product items as a CSV file.
For further help using growyze contact us at